We begin taking enrollment for the 25-26 school year on April 1st.
Enrollment Forms and all Class Information will be updated over Spring Break.
Supporting the Home School Family
Supporting the home school family in Northern Colorado by offering classes grounded in a Biblical worldview
Why Choose Us
We are a high quality, low cost, non-profit program led by Christian homeschooling parents. OliveTree enhances your student's homeschool education.
Passionate Teachers
At OliveTree, the requirement for teachers is passion for the subject!
Dynamic Classrooms
OliveTree seeks to highlight group dynamics in our classrooms.
OliveTree is a 501C3 non-profit organization. We charge what it costs to pay the teachers well, rent the building, and pay insurance.
K-5 EnrichMent,
Middle school & high School Core CLasses
Our classes were developed with the needs of a busy homeschooling mom in mind.