High School


OliveTree High School Information

Are you ‘hitting the wall’ as you approach the Homeschool High School years?  Do you need help with core subjects like Algebra, Geometry, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Essay Writing, Literature, History, Government, Economics and Foreign Language?

Many of us face the choice of either putting our kids in Public High School or paying for expensive Private School. For many, neither of these are workable options. OliveTree has designed a program that will help you to continue homeschooling through the High School years. The vision is for a ‘hybrid’ school – excellent instruction by passionate teachers at OliveTree coupled with accountability and support at home from parents. With students and teachers working together in the classroom and students and parents working together at home, your student can be successful at OliveTree.

The OliveTree High School Mission
1.  Create an academic environment with a Biblical worldview which supplements parental instruction and oversight that is done in the home.

2.  Offer supplemental instruction and projects for high school core classes which are required by Universities.

3.  Provide a Christ centered environment where the students can develop interpersonal skills, and use teamwork to achieve academic objectives.

4.  Do all of the above in a cost effective manner. The cost should be well below that for a full time private school, and slightly higher than that for a complete core subject instructional package.

The High School ‘Road Map’

To homeschool in the high school years, you need a ‘Road Map’ to see where you are headed.  We have researched entrance requirements for area universities as well as Poudre R-1 graduation requirements. This will show you how many credits you need to earn in high school in order to continue on to college.

Click here to see area High School graduation requirements
Click here for the OliveTree-Road-Map

Click on the Book List and Class Descriptions Tab to see what books to order.
Click on the Schedule Tab to see what classes are offered this year.

Classes are offered “a la carte.” Take one class or a full load.
Tuesday and/or Thursday in class.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday at home.

Auditing* classes for all grades is available. 

*Typically done for students with learning issues, parents can choose to grade and ammend teacher assignments.

Literature classes –  All Literature classes have an writing element.

Meetings per week – please see the Schedule for class times.
Math, Science and Spanish classes meet on Tuesdays AND Thursdays.
Literature, History and Elective classes meet Tuesday OR Thursday.

High School classes are offered with prerequisites, no age restrictions.
High School classes have a cap of 15 students.

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